Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

On a cool day in November 2009, I set about to build a patio.  I got to drive a bobcat and dig around in the backyard.  It was a lot of fun... until it started raining... and raining.  After it stopped raining, it started snowing.  To make a long story short, there were some delays.  Some members of the family were a bit irked.  But now, all of that unpleasantness is behind us because... drum roll please... the patio is complete!



Of course, I had help from Dave and the folks at Highland Renovations.  It was my general idea, but they made my idea a bit better... specifically the steps.
I got out to the nursery to purchase some plants the other day.  I put in three hydrangea against the house on the left and framed it with some coreopsis.  The french doors are framed by two sky pencil holly.  Next to them, I planted some salvia; blue on the left and white on the right.  I put in an azalea on the right next to the white salvia.  In the foreground we have some knockout roses with some New England aster next to the wall.  It should look great next year.

I still need to do a lot more work though.  There are a lot more plants to plant, and I will need to get some patio furniture and a fire pit too.  (It looks like I will be spending this Labor Day at the Amish market.)  I'm going to put a disappearing fountain in the bottom right, but I need a bit larger pot.

Next, I need to start the renovation of Big Fat Pond.  I will need to clear out a lot of overgrown plants both around and in the pond.  That will probably have to wait until next year though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

S's mom