Sunday, November 29, 2009
More training
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Misfortunes in patio construction
That's trouble because I was planning on having the area cleared and landcaping fabric put down so I could start adding the aggregate. The good news is that all of the stone, sand, and aggregate was delivered on time today. The bad news is that it will be sitting in my driveway for the next day or two. This all means that I will be dealing with a very annoyed wife. I've seen my lovely wife take out a charging Labrador and I'm scared. (Note: I have a lengthy history of starting large projects and not completing them in a manner most people would describe as timely. This seems to be one of the very few things that frustrates the Mrs.) Thankfully, the chicken coop has a heating lamp in it so I should be able to stay warm tonight.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Movie time
Obviously, she should be in a lot closer to my hip and she should not be jumping up, but she wraps her head around my left leg nicely and she really is committed to staying by my side. So much so that I could not get a video of her recall this morning. She simply would not wander off in order for me to call her back.
Kane was performing a sit/stay beautifully. I took out the camera to get a video and then she started messing around. Thus, this was take number four. Maybe we still need a bit more work on this one.
She does a down/stay too, but I didn't think it warranted a separate video.
For something a bit more exciting, I took this video of HT and Pea playing fetch. As I have noted previously, we were getting bored with the same old, same old, so we have been switching stuff up from day to day.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
She was excited and ready to go this morning. I think she is getting the idea that is fun stuff.
We're gonna keep pluggin' along, but I could not be more pleased with this dog.
UPDATE: She got the see-saw this evening and is now running through the entire course without stopping. She's a monster. Someone is going to be getting a really fantastic dog.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Training Kane
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Big Fat Scoresheet
Now, as any well-tuned athlete will tell you, you've got to pace yourself when undertaking a marathon event such as a month-long vacation. As I mentioned, I have not had a vacation in five years. The last thing I want to do is come out too strong and pull something. That could be disasterous. Still, I want to get a good pace down and set the base for a productive vacation.
I started off smart and did a little prep work for stuff I planned to do later. I got some wood, screws, fencing nails, and I went to pick out rock for my patio. Unfortunately, the weather was terrible all week and it was not a good time to start grading, but I could get some stuff done in the garage.
I have previously noted that I felt like a bad chicken owner because I had not set up a proper brooding box for the hens. I was using a small, store-bought, brooding box made of very thin plywood and it was just sitting on top of a garbage can. It was pretty sad. Thus, I constructed something better:
We started out with a big, happy smile. It's a crowd pleaser.
Then we went with the "you see something funny over there" profile shot.
and the very new, rolling in chicken poop pose... very nouveau, very raw.
Despite rolling in poop, Kane has been a very good guest. I let her play with Petunia for a bit last night. Petunia is really dog social and submissive, so she is a good test dog. Kane initiated play by doing some pretty stiff nose-bumps to Petunia's neck. They ran about after that and Kane did some play bows to keep the action going. Things got a little crazy and there was some humping, but Petunia took it all in stride. Nobody got bent out of shape.
I did get some shots of Kane interacting with Cowboy. You can see that she is upright, but relaxed; her tail is raised a bit, but she was wagging in a relaxed manner.
I also got a chance to test her for food aggression. She responded perfectly and did not even attempt to follow the food bowl when I pulled it away from her. Note, she does seem to do some resource guarding with her food when HT is near her. I generally recommend feeding dogs in different areas anyway. She was picking up "heel" when we started training, but she does tend to get distracted by all of the new smells and stimuli. Finally, I bathed her this morning after the chicken poop incident and she was very well behaved.
Kane is a really good dog and should make a fine companion animal.
Thus, at the end of a week, I'm off to a slow, yet steady start. Since I don't really have any competition, and despite my inability to stick to a single sports metaphor, I'm off to a very subjective 3-0 lead at the end of the first quarter. It's all part of being a chicken owning, tree hugging, life saving, ecowarrior/hero.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Back to Business
She did very well with the testing so I decided she would be a good project dog. She seemed to enjoy the car ride home.
I set her up in the exercise room, left the door open, and put up a baby gate. She behaved appropriately with HT and Petunia, but again appeared a bit tense. HT did bark at her later in the day and Kane did give a growl back.
Finally, I took her outside and she ran about for a while, investigating her surroundings. Snow noticed a new dog in the yard and came down to investigate. Kane did approach Snow and again seemed tense. Her hair was raised from hackles to tail and when Snow tried to smell her, she ran away.
This was not good for Snow because she started prancing around the yard with an inflated ego. Kane and I played fetch and she was able to focus on the game and ignore the horses. She played well and I had no problem taking the ball from her.
She tired quickly so we took short breaks. I then brought her back in and she jumped in her bed.
We will start training tomorrow. She will need some better manners on leash (she pulls a bit) and she needs to get a bit more attentive with her recall. Nonetheless, she will be a fun little project for the next few weeks.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Changing Seasons
Monday, November 9, 2009
I have not taken a vacation in five years, so this is really quite an event for me. To say that I have been a bit giddy with excitement would be an understatement. As I was dancing with HT the other day and singing about the joys of a month without work, my long-suffering wife commented that I was going to be unbearable during my time off. I'm not sure what she meant by this, but I will assume that she was making note of my strong work ethic and desire to protect my family. Since I will have so much time, surely I will be getting a lot done around the farm and amongst other things, keeping everyone safe from bears. I assume that's what she was implying.
Now, this morning, despite the fact that I am on vacation (did I mention that it's for a month?), I woke up at 5:30 and went downstairs for my morning cup of coffee. I went about my morning farm chores and then came back inside to a pair a sleeping pups. I figured that I would treat myself to a nice breakfast since I would obviously need the energy for all of the work I was going to do. Beatrix started laying this past week, and she is producing some small brown eggs. Since we are getting two eggs a day, we can't quite keep up with the egg production. I decided that I would make myself some scrambled eggs. I looked in the fridge and realized that we had some leftover pesto so I added some pesto and goat cheese to the scrambled eggs.
It seemed like a pretty good combination of fresh ingredients. My cousin is a chef in New York. He came down to visit last weekend, so I have been thinking a bit more about cooking. (Generally, I just think a lot about eating).
I mixed everything up and threw it into the frying pan and started cooking. Evidently it smelled good enough to get the attention of a sleeping HT. She came into the kitchen a bit bleary-eyed with her nose in the air.
I plated the scrambled eggs with some whole wheat toast and then retired to the couch to watch a bit of Sports Center.
Frankly, the addition of pesto to scrambled eggs made the whole thing look a bit green and slightly unappetizing. It didn't taste all that great either. I'm not a very good cook it turns out.
Now, I'm well aware that I was supposed to walk away with the knowledge that these are wild and potentially dangerous animals that should not be kept as pets, but they just seemed like big dogs to me. I think that I could get pretty far training these guys because they were obviously quite smart. Still, I learned that wolves want nothing to to do with humans, and thus the training would be difficult. Indeed, wolves, despite their reputation, will not attack healthy humans... maybe we are also made of the same meat, I'm not sure. Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure that I could protect my family from any animal that is not inclined to attack. I guess I am not just unbearable but also unwolfable.